Guest Blog Post on New Orleans' Moms' Blog: My Virtual Village
Hi, all! Life has been crazy in our house. We took the six pack to Disney World (more on that in another post!) and then it was end of the school year craziness and now it's summer! How on earth did that happen so fast?!
In the midst of the recent chaos, I neglected to share this recent guest blog entry I wrote for the New Orleans' Moms' Blog. I am thrilled they published it. This is one of my most favorite blog posts I've written. I laugh, vent, and sometimes cry to my best friends, my "virtual village," via text on a daily basis. Enjoy!
In the midst of the recent chaos, I neglected to share this recent guest blog entry I wrote for the New Orleans' Moms' Blog. I am thrilled they published it. This is one of my most favorite blog posts I've written. I laugh, vent, and sometimes cry to my best friends, my "virtual village," via text on a daily basis. Enjoy!